
Practice division on your iPhone


Practise the division tables 1 - 10 on your iPhone!

  • You can choose to practice on one or more tables at a time. If you only select one table when you practice, you will have time for how long it takes to make it. Press the "Practise" button when

    you have made your choice of tables

  • Compete against yourself and try to beat your own best results on the tables.
  • If you answer a division incorrectly, the incorrect answer will be stored and you can practice these. Press the "Rehearse" button to do so.
  • When you feel confident enough at the tables, you can enter the "Become a Master" menu and "level" on nine levels. Easy at first, but more demanding over time. On level 7-9 you also have to calculate with remainder.

Can you become a "Master of Division"?

Available in the following languages:

  • English
  • Swedish

Privacy Policy

The DiviX app does not collect any information about the user that is in any way shared with the developer or with others. Your results are stored in the app itself, but disappear when the app is deleted from your device.