Basic Calculator X

Costless calculator for iPad free from ads


A very simple calculator, though with some useful features.

  • The four arithmetic methods with positive and negative numbers. You can do several calculations in a row. When you press the equal-sign, the current calculation is stored in the table on the left
  • About the tabl:. Your calculations are stored every time you press the equal-sign. These can then be used again in a new calculation. Click on a row in the table that contains the calculation you want to use and the answer from it is inserted in a new calculation. When you close the app, all calculations are automatically deleted.
  • All answers with more than 12 decimal places are automatically rounded down to a maximum of 12 decimal places.
  • You can choose to delete all saved calculations in the table yourself if you want. Either click on "Delete Individual", to choose which you want to delete, or you simply click on "Delete All" and all calculations will disappear at once.
  • To get a negative number, first enter the number and then press the +/- button.
  • The backspace key allows you to delete the last didgits you've entered. 
  • 𝜋 - number pi: Press the key to insert pi to 12 decimal places.
  • n²: Write a number and click on n² and you will get the number multiplied by itself. Press again and you will get the new number multiplied by itself and so on.
  • √ - the square root: Write a number and press √ you get the root out of that number. Press again to get the root from the new number and so on.
  • Note that for both n² and √, the answer is automatically stored in the table on the left when you press these keys (unless you have entered another operator). However, it is possible to continue with the calculation.
  • % - percent: Divides the current number by 100.
  • Note that 5 + 5 x 5 will give the answer 50, which is not correct, as the order of operations should be the multiplication first and the answer should be 30. You have to solve that manualy by simply entering the multiplications first (5 x 5 + 5).

Do you find any problems or bugs with the calculator? Fill in the form below!


Available in the following languages:

  • Danish
  • English
  • German
  • Swedish

Privacy Policy

The "Basic Calculator" app in its current version (1.1) does not collect any information about the user that is in any way shared with the developer or with others. Your results are stored in the app itself, but disappear when the app is deleted from your device.

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